13 December 2005

Wireless at the Library

Our local library just added free wireless! What a happy thing. :-)

This article talks about Seattle being the most literate US city. In part this is because of their excellent libraries. I've lived in cities with great libraries and some with pitiful libraries. We are blessed here in Grand Rapids with an excellent library system.

How about any of the rest of you? Good libraries in your town, or not so good?


happytheman said...

Seattle is literate cause you freeze your heine off if you go outside so give me a warm fire and a book anyday. Like today...

reJoyce said...

LOL! That's certainly true. Especially this time of year.

I'm just in from shoveling snow for the last hour. I think my "heine" is actually frozen! A book in front of the fireplace sounds like a perfect way to thaw out.