All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes by Kenneth A. Myers
Non-Fiction. Paperback from Crossway Books. Published in 1989. Purchased from Amazon.comI started listening to this audiobook while we were still in the UK. There was so much to think about and so many notes to take, that I gave up on listening to it and got myself a paperback copy so I could read and take notes. It seems like a balanced book to me, not overly alarmist and suggesting a quick retreat from culture, nor suggesting that there is no harm in just consuming culture without thought. I believe one of the best things I got from the book was a reminder that over-participating in popular culture can keep me from having the time to think about the important things in life. An excellent book from the Turning Point Christian Worldview Series.
Publisher's summary:
Where did popular culture come from? Why is it the way it is? How does it influence Americans in general and Christians in particular? Ken Myers provides fascinating answers to these questions. He sees pop culture as a culture of diversion, preventing people from asking questions about their origin and destiny and about the meaning of life. Two aspects stand out -- a quest for novelty and a desire for instant gratification. In addition, this culture offers something very appealing -- the illusion that you set your own standards, you can choose, you are the master of your fate, you deserve a break, you're worth it.
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from, click here: All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes: Christians & Popular Culture
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