Together Again by Rick Atchley and Bob Russell
Non-Fiction: Christianity. Paperback from Leafwood Publishers and Standard Publishing. Published in 2006. 128 pages. Borrowed from my parents.Rick Atchley has been preaching a series on unity at his church in Texas, and I've been downloading and listening to them (albeit rather slowly), so as I expected much of the material in this book is just a repeat for me. But, since it's a short book and not a difficult read I thought I'd give it a look see before my parents carted it home tomorrow. I like the book's call to unity. The thing I don't like, even though I think I understand the logic behind it, is the fact that the book is calling only for unity with the Christian Church, not with all christian churches. However, baby steps are better than nothing.
If you have a connection with the Restoration Movement, give it a read and see what you think.
Publisher's summary:
Time for a Family Reunion. 2006 is the centennial of the official separation of Churches of Christ and Christian Churches. Rick Atchley and Bob Russell mark this milestone with a resounding call to renew our unity in Christ. After a century of division, it's time for a Family Reunion. Time to put aside differences and work as one to accomplish Christ's mission to save a lost world.
Online book shopping:
Powell's: Together Again Together Again Together Again currently not available as audio
I hope the book has some impact. I agree with you on its limited scope, but I think that was their purpose–try to reunite restoration movement factions–a daunting task I grant.
But I'm with you on the larger need to unite all believers with a single minded passion–a even more daunting task.
My experience in Florida has been very encouraging in this regard. Maybe I'm discovering how "other" believers have been doing it all along with "our" participation.
without "our" participation, I mean.
A couple of daunting tasks, indeed. And, good for them for at least doing something. I'm sure they are getting a lot of slack for even trying.
We had the interesting experience of attending an Anglican church for several years that was very good at trying to unite with the other churches in the area to do good. There was one small church (not a C of C but it pretty much could have been) that would not co-operate with the other churches. It was very enlightening to hear what the co-operating churches said about that one church that wouldn't participate.
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